Get access to the ultimate digital toolbox for freelancers.

If you’re wondering what tools freelancers should be using to be more efficient, happier, and wealthier, you’ve come to the right place. 

This is an exclusive list of the best free and paid tools, websites, and plugins for freelancers, hand-picked by me, Liam Carnahan, a 15-year digital marketing veteran and coach for freelancers. 

 Enter your details below, and you’ll get access to the free Notion board. Here’s what’s inside: 

  • A list of the vital tools every freelancer should be using
  • Tools curated for SEO and content creator freelancers (more industries coming soon!)
  • The list only features tools I actually use or have used in the past to make my freelance life easier and better
  • Absolutely no paid links or sponsorships, just honest reviews
  • Suggested paid tools and free or cheap alternatives 
  • A living document updated any time I find a new tool 

If you’re looking to earn more as a freelancer…

I’m here to help. I’ve got lots of free resources for people who want to earn more and work less (since that’s what being a successful freelancer is all about). 

Here are some good places to start.